Devnayak Bhandari wrote in Sunday, July 26, 2009 11:43 AM from North Carolina state of USA after he arrives here:-
I am just not only putting my article to this site but i m here expressing my feeling to you all. I used to tell all my friends that our process has taken long time. But when i got date for my flight from camp to Kathmandu, i really felt that i m gonna be out of you all. I realized the days that i have passed with you all. I realized the bitter and sweet realities between you and me. Have you ever examined me? In reality i never want to hurt any body. Neveretheless, if i hav hurt you and made you angry and bad, plz beg me pardon. Think that i am for you all. Be sure that his heart is far more beautiful and helpful than in physical sketch. I promise you all, i do something for you because i know GOD surely help me to assist for u all.
Oh!sorry i am writing you my feelings. You may feel lonely when u be out of your friends, relatives, neighbours, your mates and all. But you need to pray for God to make our encounter any where else we settle pray for god. GOD never leave you alone.
I feel glad to be on plane from Jhapa to kathmandu. But i have feeling that i have left all of all so not that much pleasure because i was wrapped with my realities that i have left all.than at Kathmandu, i felt quite lonely because i got there no one to whom i was close. I really felt lonely there............But i have tried to be in close with my all mates by phone. When i left Kathmandu, i was feeling the same lonliness. I have realized again that when to be here again? any way i was compelled to go forward. When I reached to the JFK New York air port I am here having no destination, because that large airport has taken my mind........oh but i have got one lady to take us to another airport .Than we have followed her and she has helped us to get inside in next plane to North carolina ,Where now i am staying.when we were out of that plane, another lady was there to take us to our residence. She took us to Mishra's house,the family who were there since May. They have helped us a lot. After some days, we have got our house....All things are new for us. I have talked to the case worker and translated to my family. So, they have got the track to handle that all new things. Than after a day we were taken to offices to apply for foodstamp and others. But i found here many Nepalese family to help and wel come us, my lonlyness is getting subtracted. So, never be nervous any where.You will get many to help you evey where all around the universe because GOD is for you and me. I have also not got more idea about this all because we have been here just a week before .I have tried to express the feelings that has come upon me after leaving the refugee camps. Lastly, i love BHUTAN and friends of whole world. I am missing my friends and my realities.Bye
I feel glad to be on plane from Jhapa to kathmandu. But i have feeling that i have left all of all so not that much pleasure because i was wrapped with my realities that i have left all.than at Kathmandu, i felt quite lonely because i got there no one to whom i was close. I really felt lonely there............But i have tried to be in close with my all mates by phone. When i left Kathmandu, i was feeling the same lonliness. I have realized again that when to be here again? any way i was compelled to go forward. When I reached to the JFK New York air port I am here having no destination, because that large airport has taken my mind........oh but i have got one lady to take us to another airport .Than we have followed her and she has helped us to get inside in next plane to North carolina ,Where now i am staying.when we were out of that plane, another lady was there to take us to our residence. She took us to Mishra's house,the family who were there since May. They have helped us a lot. After some days, we have got our house....All things are new for us. I have talked to the case worker and translated to my family. So, they have got the track to handle that all new things. Than after a day we were taken to offices to apply for foodstamp and others. But i found here many Nepalese family to help and wel come us, my lonlyness is getting subtracted. So, never be nervous any where.You will get many to help you evey where all around the universe because GOD is for you and me. I have also not got more idea about this all because we have been here just a week before .I have tried to express the feelings that has come upon me after leaving the refugee camps. Lastly, i love BHUTAN and friends of whole world. I am missing my friends and my realities.Bye
1 comment :
k ram kahani lakhako mero saathi chau ma thiyo parda pardai nidayo.teat k lakhako.
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